@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// main.c
// Jedi Academy Server Log Converter - Version 1.1
// Jedi Academy Server Log Converter - Version 2.0
// Created By Steven Mattera on August 30th 2010.
// Copyright (c) 2010 Steven Mattera <stevenmattera@gmail.com>
@ -23,58 +23,174 @@
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <limit s.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <window s.h>
# include "resource.h"
FILE * openLogFile ( char * path ) ;
FILE * openConvFile ( char * argv [ ] ) ;
enum {
} ;
int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] ) {
FILE * logFile ;
FILE * convFile ;
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) ;
printf ( " Jedi Academy Server Log Converter \n " ) ;
printf ( " Copyright (c) 2010 Steven Mattera <stevenmattera@gmail.com> \n \n " ) ;
printf ( " Jedi Academy Server Log Converter is free software; you can redistribute it \n " ) ;
printf ( " and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published \n " ) ;
printf ( " by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your \n " ) ;
printf ( " option) any later version. \n \n " ) ;
printf ( " Jedi Academy Server Log Converter is distributed in the hope that it will be \n " ) ;
printf ( " useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRENTY; without even the implied warrenty of \n " ) ;
printf ( " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public \n " ) ;
printf ( " License for more deails. \n \n " ) ;
printf ( " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with \n " ) ;
printf ( " Jedi Academy Server Log Converter; if not, write to the Free Software \n " ) ;
printf ( " Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA \n \n " ) ;
int WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance , HINSTANCE hPrevInstance , LPSTR lpCmdLine , int nCmdShow ) {
MSG Msg ;
HWND hwnd ;
if ( argc ! = 2 ) {
printf ( " Usage: JALOG_CONV.EXE <PATH_TO_LOG> \n " ) ;
system ( " pause " ) ;
wc . cbSize = sizeof ( WNDCLASSEX ) ;
wc . style = 0 ;
wc . lpfnWndProc = WndProc ;
wc . cbClsExtra = 0 ;
wc . cbWndExtra = 0 ;
wc . hInstance = hInstance ;
wc . hIcon = LoadIcon ( GetModuleHandle ( NULL ) , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDI_MYICON ) ) ;
wc . hCursor = LoadCursor ( NULL , IDC_ARROW ) ;
wc . hbrBackground = GetSysColorBrush ( COLOR_3DFACE ) ;
wc . lpszMenuName = NULL ;
wc . lpszClassName = " mainWindow " ;
wc . hIconSm = ( HICON ) LoadImage ( GetModuleHandle ( NULL ) , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDI_MYICON ) , IMAGE_ICON , 16 , 16 , 0 ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( ! RegisterClassEx ( & wc ) ) {
MessageBox ( NULL , " Window Registration Failed! " , " Error " , MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ) ;
return 0 ;
hwnd = CreateWindowEx ( 0 , " mainWindow " , " Jedi Academy Server Log Converter " , WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX , ( GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CXSCREEN ) - 500 ) / 2 , ( GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CYSCREEN ) - 72 ) / 2 , 500 , 100 , NULL , NULL , hInstance , NULL ) ;
if ( hwnd = = NULL ) {
MessageBox ( NULL , " Window Creation Failed! " , " Error " , MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ) ;
return 0 ;
ShowWindow ( hwnd , nCmdShow ) ;
UpdateWindow ( hwnd ) ;
MessageBox ( hwnd , " Jedi Academy Server Log Converter \n Copyright (c) 2010 Steven Mattera <stevenmattera@gmail.com> \n \n Jedi Academy Server Log Converter is free software; you can redistribute it \n and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published \n by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your \n option) any later version. \n \n Jedi Academy Server Log Converter is distributed in the hope that it will be \n useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRENTY; without even the implied warrenty of \n MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public \n License for more deails. \n \n You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with \n Jedi Academy Server Log Converter; if not, write to the Free Software \n Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA " , " Welcome to Jedi Academy Server Log Converter " , MB_OK ) ;
while ( GetMessage ( & Msg , NULL , 0 , 0 ) > 0 ) {
TranslateMessage ( & Msg ) ;
DispatchMessage ( & Msg ) ;
return Msg . wParam ;
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) {
char szFileName [ MAX_PATH ] = " " ;
switch ( msg ) {
case WM_CREATE :
HFONT hfDefault ;
HWND hLoadEdit ;
HWND hLoadButton ;
HWND hSaveEdit ;
HWND hSaveButton ;
HWND hConvertButton ;
hLoadEdit = CreateWindowEx ( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE , " EDIT " , " " , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL , 10 , 10 , 300 , 21 , hwnd , ( HMENU ) ID_LOADEDIT , GetModuleHandle ( NULL ) , NULL ) ;
hLoadButton = CreateWindowEx ( 0 , " BUTTON " , " Input " , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON , 320 , 10 , 70 , 21 , hwnd , ( HMENU ) ID_LOADBUTTON , GetModuleHandle ( NULL ) , NULL ) ;
hSaveEdit = CreateWindowEx ( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE , " EDIT " , " " , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL , 10 , 41 , 300 , 21 , hwnd , ( HMENU ) ID_SAVEEDIT , GetModuleHandle ( NULL ) , NULL ) ;
hSaveButton = CreateWindowEx ( 0 , " BUTTON " , " Output " , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON , 320 , 41 , 70 , 21 , hwnd , ( HMENU ) ID_SAVEBUTTON , GetModuleHandle ( NULL ) , NULL ) ;
hConvertButton = CreateWindowEx ( 0 , " BUTTON " , " Convert " , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON , 400 , 10 , 80 , 52 , hwnd , ( HMENU ) ID_CONVERTBUTTON , GetModuleHandle ( NULL ) , NULL ) ;
hfDefault = ( HFONT ) GetStockObject ( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) ;
SendMessage ( hLoadEdit , WM_SETFONT , ( WPARAM ) hfDefault , MAKELPARAM ( FALSE , 0 ) ) ;
SendMessage ( hLoadButton , WM_SETFONT , ( WPARAM ) hfDefault , MAKELPARAM ( FALSE , 0 ) ) ;
SendMessage ( hSaveEdit , WM_SETFONT , ( WPARAM ) hfDefault , MAKELPARAM ( FALSE , 0 ) ) ;
SendMessage ( hSaveButton , WM_SETFONT , ( WPARAM ) hfDefault , MAKELPARAM ( FALSE , 0 ) ) ;
SendMessage ( hConvertButton , WM_SETFONT , ( WPARAM ) hfDefault , MAKELPARAM ( FALSE , 0 ) ) ;
break ;
case WM_CLOSE :
DestroyWindow ( hwnd ) ;
break ;
PostQuitMessage ( 0 ) ;
break ;
switch ( wParam ) {
ZeroMemory ( & ofn , sizeof ( ofn ) ) ;
ofn . lStructSize = sizeof ( ofn ) ;
ofn . hwndOwner = hwnd ;
ofn . lpstrFilter = " Log Files (*.log) \0 *.log \0 Log Files (*.txt) \0 *.txt \0 All Files (*.*) \0 *.* \0 " ;
ofn . lpstrFile = szFileName ;
ofn . nMaxFile = MAX_PATH ;
ofn . lpstrDefExt = " log " ;
if ( GetOpenFileName ( & ofn ) ) {
HWND hLoadEdit = GetDlgItem ( hwnd , ID_LOADEDIT ) ;
SetWindowText ( hLoadEdit , szFileName ) ;
break ;
ZeroMemory ( & ofn , sizeof ( ofn ) ) ;
ofn . lStructSize = sizeof ( ofn ) ;
ofn . hwndOwner = hwnd ;
ofn . lpstrFilter = " HTML Files (*.html) \0 *.html \0 RTF Files (*.rtf) \0 *.rtf \0 Text Files (*.txt) \0 *.txt \0 " ;
ofn . lpstrFile = szFileName ;
ofn . nMaxFile = MAX_PATH ;
ofn . lpstrDefExt = " html " ;
if ( GetSaveFileName ( & ofn ) ) {
HWND hSaveEdit = GetDlgItem ( hwnd , ID_SAVEEDIT ) ;
SetWindowText ( hSaveEdit , szFileName ) ;
break ;
HWND hLoadEdit = GetDlgItem ( hwnd , ID_LOADEDIT ) ;
HWND hLoadButton = GetDlgItem ( hwnd , ID_LOADBUTTON ) ;
HWND hSaveEdit = GetDlgItem ( hwnd , ID_SAVEEDIT ) ;
HWND hSaveButton = GetDlgItem ( hwnd , ID_SAVEBUTTON ) ;
char loadFilename [ MAX_PATH ] = " " ;
char saveFilename [ MAX_PATH ] = " " ;
logFile = openLogFile ( argv [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( logFile = = NULL ) return - 1 ;
FILE * loadFile , * saveFile ;
convFile = openConvFile ( argv ) ;
if ( convFile = = NULL ) return - 1 ;
GetWindowText ( hLoadEdit , loadFilename , MAX_PATH ) ;
GetWindowText ( hSaveEdit , saveFilename , MAX_PATH ) ;
fputs ( " <html><head><style>body{background-color:gray}b{font-weight:normal}.r{color:red}.g{color:green}.y{color:yellow}.b{color:blue}.c{color:cyan}.m{color:magenta}.w{color:white}.l{color:black}</style></head><body><span class='w'> " , convFile ) ;
if ( strcmp ( loadFilename , saveFilename ) = = 0 ) {
MessageBox ( hwnd , " Can not overwrite input file with output file. " , " Error " , MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ) ;
break ;
loadFile = fopen ( loadFilename , " r " ) ;
if ( loadFile = = NULL ) {
MessageBox ( hwnd , " Opening file stream. " , " Error " , MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ) ;
break ;
saveFile = fopen ( saveFilename , " w+ " ) ;
if ( saveFile = = NULL ) {
MessageBox ( hwnd , " Opening file stream. " , " Error " , MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ) ;
fclose ( loadFile ) ;
break ;
char * saveFileExt = strrchr ( saveFilename , ' . ' ) ;
char * line ;
char * lineProcessing ;
char * convLine ;
size_t currentPosition ;
int color = 7 ;
while ( ! feof ( logFile ) ) {
if ( strcmp ( saveFileExt , " .html " ) = = 0 ) {
fputs ( " <html><head><style>body{background-color:gray}b{font-weight:normal}.r{color:red}.g{color:green}.y{color:yellow}.b{color:blue}.c{color:cyan}.m{color:magenta}.w{color:white}.l{color:black}</style></head><body><span class='w'> " , saveFile ) ;
while ( ! feof ( loadFile ) ) {
line = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * 512 ) ;
memset ( line , ' \0 ' , sizeof ( char ) * 512 ) ;
fgets ( line , 512 , logFile ) ;
fgets ( line , 512 , load File ) ;
if ( color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " </b><b class=w> " , convFile ) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=w> " , save File) ;
color = 7 ;
@ -85,132 +201,254 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
case 1 :
if ( color ! = 1 ) {
color = 1 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=' r' > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=r> " , save File) ;
break ;
case 2 :
if ( color ! = 2 ) {
color = 2 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=' g' > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=g> " , save File) ;
break ;
case 3 :
if ( color ! = 3 ) {
color = 3 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=y'> " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=y> " , save File) ;
break ;
case 4 :
if ( color ! = 4 ) {
color = 4 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=' b' > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=b> " , save File) ;
break ;
case 5 :
if ( color ! = 5 ) {
color = 5 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=' c' > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=c> " , save File) ;
break ;
case 6 :
if ( color ! = 6 ) {
color = 6 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=' m' > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=m> " , save File) ;
break ;
case 7 :
if ( color ! = 7 ) {
color = 7 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=' w' > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=w> " , save File) ;
break ;
case 0 :
if ( color ! = 8 ) {
color = 8 ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=' l' > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=l> " , save File) ;
break ;
default :
fputc ( ' ^ ' , conv File) ;
fputc ( line [ n + 1 ] , conv File) ;
fputc ( ' ^ ' , save File) ;
fputc ( line [ n + 1 ] , save File) ;
break ;
n + + ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' : ' & & color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " </b><b class=' w' > " , conv File) ;
fputc ( ' : ' , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=w> " , save File) ;
fputc ( ' : ' , save File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' \\ ' & & color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " </b><b class=' w' > " , conv File) ;
fputc ( ' \\ ' , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=w> " , save File) ;
fputc ( ' \\ ' , save File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' ' & & line [ n + 1 ] = = ' k ' & & line [ n + 2 ] = = ' i ' & & line [ n + 3 ] = = ' l ' & & line [ n + 4 ] = = ' l ' & & line [ n + 5 ] = = ' e ' & & line [ n + 6 ] = = ' d ' & & line [ n + 7 ] = = ' ' & & color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " </b><b class=' w' > " , conv File) ;
fputc ( ' ' , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=w> " , save File) ;
fputc ( ' ' , save File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' ' & & line [ n + 1 ] = = ' b ' & & line [ n + 2 ] = = ' y ' & & line [ n + 3 ] = = ' ' & & color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " </b><b class=' w' > " , conv File) ;
fputc ( ' ' , conv File) ;
fputs ( " </b><b class=w> " , save File) ;
fputc ( ' ' , save File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' < ' ) {
fputs ( " < " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " < " , save File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' > ' ) {
fputs ( " > " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " > " , save File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' & ' ) {
fputs ( " & " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " & " , save File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] ! = ' \n ' | | line [ n ] ! = ' \r ' ) {
fputc ( line [ n ] , conv File) ;
else if ( line [ n ] ! = ' \n ' & & line [ n ] ! = ' \r ' ) {
fputc ( line [ n ] , save File) ;
fputs ( " <br> " , conv File) ;
fputs ( " <br> " , save File) ;
free ( line ) ;
fputs ( " </body></html> " , convFile ) ;
fputs ( " </body></html> " , saveFile ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( saveFileExt , " .rtf " ) = = 0 ) {
fputs ( " { \\ rtf1 \\ ansi \\ ansicpg1252 \\ deff0 \\ deflang1033{ \\ fonttbl{ \\ f0 \\ fswiss \\ fcharset0 Arial;}}{ \\ colortbl ; \\ red255 \\ green0 \\ blue0; \\ red0 \\ green255 \\ blue0; \\ red255 \\ green255 \\ blue0; \\ red0 \\ green0 \\ blue255; \\ red255 \\ green0 \\ blue255; \\ red0 \\ green255 \\ blue255; \\ red255 \\ green255 \\ blue255;} \\ margl1440 \\ margr1440 \\ vieww9000 \\ viewh8400 \\ viewkind0{ \\ * \\ background { \\ shp{ \\ * \\ shpinst \\ shpleft0 \\ shptop0 \\ shpright0 \\ shpbottom0 \\ shpfhdr0 \\ shpbxmargin \\ shpbymargin \\ shpwr0 \\ shpwrk0 \\ shpfblwtxt1 \\ shpz0 \\ shplid1025{ \\ sp{ \\ sn shapeType}{ \\ sv 1}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn fFlipH}{ \\ sv 0}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn fFlipV}{ \\ sv 0}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn fillColor}{ \\ sv 12237498}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn fFilled}{ \\ sv 1}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn lineWidth}{ \\ sv 0}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn fLine}{ \\ sv 0}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn bWMode}{ \\ sv 9}}{ \\ sp{ \\ sn fBackground}{ \\ sv 1}}}}} \\ pard \\ tx720 \\ tx1440 \\ tx2160 \\ tx2880 \\ tx3600 \\ tx4320 \\ tx5040 \\ tx5760 \\ tx6480 \\ tx7200 \\ tx7920 \\ tx8640 \\ ql \\ qnatural \\ pardirnatural \\ f0 \\ cf7 " , saveFile ) ;
fclose ( convFile ) ;
fclose ( logFile ) ;
while ( ! feof ( loadFile ) ) {
line = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * 512 ) ;
memset ( line , ' \0 ' , sizeof ( char ) * 512 ) ;
return 0 ;
fgets ( line , 512 , loadFile ) ;
if ( color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " \\ cf7 " , saveFile ) ;
color = 7 ;
FILE * openLogFile ( char * path ) {
FILE * logFile = fopen ( path , " r " ) ;
int n ;
for ( n = 0 ; n < strlen ( line ) ; n + + ) {
if ( line [ n ] = = ' ^ ' ) {
switch ( atoi ( & line [ n + 1 ] ) ) {
case 1 :
if ( color ! = 1 ) {
color = 1 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf1 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
if ( color ! = 2 ) {
color = 2 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf2 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
if ( color ! = 3 ) {
color = 3 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf3 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
if ( color ! = 4 ) {
color = 4 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf4 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
case 5 :
if ( color ! = 5 ) {
color = 5 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf5 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
if ( color ! = 6 ) {
color = 6 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf6 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
case 7 :
if ( color ! = 7 ) {
color = 7 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf7 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
if ( color ! = 8 ) {
color = 8 ;
fputs ( " \\ cf8 " , saveFile ) ;
break ;
default :
fputc ( ' ^ ' , saveFile ) ;
fputc ( line [ n + 1 ] , saveFile ) ;
break ;
n + + ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' : ' & & color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " \\ cf7 " , saveFile ) ;
fputc ( ' : ' , saveFile ) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' \\ ' ) {
if ( color ! = 7 ) fputs ( " \\ cf7 \\ \\ " , saveFile ) ;
else fputs ( " \\ \\ " , saveFile ) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' ' & & line [ n + 1 ] = = ' k ' & & line [ n + 2 ] = = ' i ' & & line [ n + 3 ] = = ' l ' & & line [ n + 4 ] = = ' l ' & & line [ n + 5 ] = = ' e ' & & line [ n + 6 ] = = ' d ' & & line [ n + 7 ] = = ' ' & & color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " \\ cf7 " , saveFile ) ;
else if ( line [ n ] = = ' ' & & line [ n + 1 ] = = ' b ' & & line [ n + 2 ] = = ' y ' & & line [ n + 3 ] = = ' ' & & color ! = 7 ) {
fputs ( " \\ cf7 " , saveFile ) ;
else if ( line [ n ] ! = ' \n ' & & line [ n ] ! = ' \r ' ) {
fputc ( line [ n ] , saveFile ) ;
if ( logFile = = NULL ) {
printf ( " Error: Opening reading stream. \n \n " ) ;
system ( " pause " ) ;
fputs ( " \\ par " , saveFile ) ;
return NULL ;
free ( line ) ;
return logFile ;
FILE * openConvFile ( char * argv [ ] ) {
char abs_exe_path [ MAX_PATH ] ;
fputs ( " } " , saveFile ) ;
else {
while ( ! feof ( loadFile ) ) {
line = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * 513 ) ;
memset ( line , ' \0 ' , sizeof ( char ) * 513 ) ;
fgets ( line , 512 , loadFile ) ;
char * pch = strrchr ( argv [ 0 ] , ' \\ ' ) ;
strncpy ( abs_exe_path , argv [ 0 ] , pch - argv [ 0 ] + 1 ) ;
free ( pch ) ;
int n ;
for ( n = 0 ; n < strlen ( line ) ; n + + ) {
if ( line [ n ] = = ' ^ ' ) {
switch ( atoi ( & line [ n + 1 ] ) ) {
case 1 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
case 2 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
case 3 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
case 4 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
case 5 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
case 6 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
case 7 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
case 0 :
//Skip and don't put anything.
break ;
default :
fputc ( ' ^ ' , saveFile ) ;
fputc ( line [ n + 1 ] , saveFile ) ;
break ;
n + + ;
else {
fputc ( line [ n ] , saveFile ) ;
char convPath [ PATH_MAX ] ;
sprintf ( convPath , " %sJALOG_CONV.HTML " , abs_exe_path ) ;
FILE * convFile = fopen ( convPath , " w+ " ) ;
free ( line ) ;
fclose ( loadFile ) ;
fclose ( saveFile ) ;
if ( convFile = = NULL ) {
printf ( " Error: Opening writing stream. \n \n " ) ;
system ( " pause " ) ;
MessageBox ( NULL , " Server log successfully converted. " , " Conversion Complete " , MB_ICONASTERISK | MB_OK ) ;
return NULL ;
break ;
break ;
default :
return DefWindowProc ( hwnd , msg , wParam , lParam ) ;
return convFile ;
return 0 ;